

Despite a healthy diet and exercising regularly, it can be challenging to lose fullness under the chin. Kybella is an FDA-approved prescription injectable used to eliminate submental fullness, often called the “double chin.” Using deoxycholic acid as its active ingredient, Kybella targets the fat-storing membranes, destroys them, and eliminates their ability to store fat. Eventually, the body’s natural processes will remove or dramatically reduce the fat on the treated area, leaving behind a chin profile you can be proud of!

Kybella is a non-surgical treatment option that only kills fat cells in the treated areas and requires little downtime. Kybella may also be used to treat other small pockets of fat, such as those pesky bra bulges. BCRN Aesthetics offers this treatment to patients over the age of 18, but it is important to talk about your concerns and goals with our team of experts.

Contact BCRN Aesthetics in Houston, TX, by calling us for additional information on Kybella or to schedule an appointment. You can also book your Kybella fat-dissolving appointment online for your convenience.

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